
Managing risk through proven experience.

Navigating the ever-shifting laws, regulations and guidelines that govern health care is no simple task.
Our in-depth compliance expertise can help you turn concerns into confidence.

Compliance Consulting

• Corporate compliance program development • Existing compliance program evaluation
• Compliance policy development • Compliance policy auditing
• Compliance investigation support • Custom compliance education and training

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Coding & Billing Compliance

• Compliance risk assessment • Corporate integrity agreements
• Compliance audit programs • Compliance advisor support
• Clinical documentation • Clinical data management

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Health Care Payor Compliance

• Risk tiering, monitoring & oversight • Credentialing programs
• Audit preparedness • Operational risk management
• Risk mitigation & corrective action • Medicare marketing research

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Health Care Provider Compliance

• Compliance program development • Provider contracting • Risk assessment
• Compliance audit program development and maintenance
• IRO services • CIA support • Compliance Officer support

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Featured Compliance Resources